Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Some Pretty Cool Ideas in this April Horoscope video
Some Pretty Cool Ideas in this April Horoscope video
The month of April is filled with huge shifts from the cosmos that will send waves of change and delight towards us.
No matter if you might be a Aries you might have quite a bit to consider or change for the purpose of your personal growth and more happy circumstances.

The month of Aprilwill begin as the new moon begins to wax and with a strong Jupiter igniting the April fool’s jokes. This vibe reminds us to keep a solid sense of humor and to look towards the future with optimistic anticipation.

April 2nd the Aries sun is conjunct Uranus; a yearly treat sending shock waves to shift our perception from an outdated view. The week continues with intensity as the Sun is now square Pluto on the 3rd demanding for transformation. The weekend begins with the Moon in conversational Gemini, giving a needed break to chill and laugh. Venus slips into Pisces on the 5th soothing harshness and asking to bring love and understanding to the individuals together with situations that are at odds with your perspective. Mercury rushes into Aries on the 7th lending quick thinking while Mercury zooms past Aries for 16 days.

The 8th the Sun is opposite Mars, a get out of my way or else symbol, lots of energy to deal with your innermost demon that inhibits you from what you say you want. Friday the 11th Venus conjoins Neptune as the moon is in Virgo; realistic show of love is showered on the one you care about. The flip side is finding fault with the person in front of you as they can never live up to the ideal love that lives in the fantasy of your mind. Pluto stations retrograde on the 14th, with Mercury conjunct Uranus; this is a very powerful day to meditate and visualize.

The lunar eclipse
on the 15th highlights the necessity for peace and balance in your everyday living. The situations inside of your world will mirror back to you issues to settle when you want to go forward.

The Sun penetrates into Taurus on the 19th, settling the wild and crazy vibration of the last twenty days. All the same Jupiter is square Uranus and opposite Pluto square Uranus which is an incredible world energy of revolutionary proportions and in our single life it reminds us not to sell ourselves short of our personal dreams and visions. Mercury enters Taurus on the 23rd lending to methodical thinking to obtain the ideas that have been set in motion. The intensity continues on midweek as Mars opposes Uranus and squares Pluto building emotions and thoughts that have been stifled to erupt like an overdue volcano.

The month draws to a close with a Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees of Taurus setting the restart button for a new month and fresh new beginnings for May.

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